Health & Safety
advice and guidance

Are you at risk ?  - Then ask the experts

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 implemented the EU Framework on workplace health and safety. The regulations are issued under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

The Approved Code of Practice outlines a number of areas that requires employers to take steps to assess and minimize risks both to employees and other people who may be affected by their operation.

  • To carry out risk assessments on all hazards which have the power to cause harm.
  • Have comprehensive arrangements in place to cover health and safety
  • Implement a system of health checks for employees who may be constantly at risk from the operation that they perform.
  • To appoint a competent person to assist in meeting the requirements.
  • To implement emergency procedures in case of imminent danger.
  • Provide information for employees relevant to the company’s health and safety policies and procedures.
  • Provide adequate training to employees relating to skill and knowledge in health and safety matters.

There are a number of specific directives that originate from the EU that a company may also be subject to, for example, Manual Handling, Display Screen Equipment, Provision and Use of Work Equipment. For any employer to meet the above obligations within the day-to-day operation can be difficult, unless they have a dedicated employee. At A14, we have a wide experience in identifying and solving health and safety problems to enable you to meet your legal obligations. We can undertake one-off assessments or provide support as part of a longer term contract. 

Services include but not limited to:

  • Risk assessments
  • Health and safety training
  • Safety audits
  • Policy formulation
  • Manual handling assessments
  • General safety advice

Health & Safety advice and guidance

We have got you Covered.

To arrange a free introductory meeting to discuss your relevant issues and carry out a Health & Safety assessment to establish a quote contact us now on 01379 854486.

We can undertake one-off assessments or provide support as part of a longer term contract.